CONTENT-TRANSFER — Upload Your Files and Folders Fast.
Fast, Limitless Upload
Drag and Drop Folders, Large Videos, & Images into our Uploader and Watch it Speed into the Cloud. Import Files Directly from Dropbox, Drive, Zoom, One-Drive, Instagram, Facebook and More.
No Limits. Use your mobile phone to upload from iPhoto, Voice Memos and other apps.

Upload is Fast, Easy and Secure
Drag and Drop Files and Folders to Upload
Upload your folders by dragging and dropping files onto the Starchive uploader or anywhere on the results area of the page.
Choose a specific folder destination to upload. Starchive will recreate all of your nested folders so you can maintain your folder hierarchies in the cloud in an easy to use system.

Import Files and Folders from Other Apps
Do you have files in multiple locations and want to build a single source of truth and access? Starchive will work for you.
Import from Dropbox, Google Drive, Facebook, Instagram, OneDrive, and even Zoom. Starchive gives you the ability to import a top-level folder and maintain the nested folder structure in your Starchive!

Record Straight into Starchive via Your Webcam
Click Upload. Click WebCam. Click Record. Click Stop. Your video will upload automatically in the background. A picture is worth a thousand words but a video is worth a million.

No Upload Limits
Never run into an upload limit again. Need to upload a few 100 GB movie files? Have a million photos or more? No problem. Starchive has you covered. Storage grows with you as you need it so you’ll never run out of disk space or run into the dreaded message that your file is larger than the 2GB upload limit.

Rescue Files from Bit Rot on Hard Drives and Devices
More than a backup you’ll never look at again. Upload your old files to Starchive to preserve them for rediscovery, remixing, and remonetization.

Upload Directly from iPhone and Android
Starchive’s native mobile app uploader lets you pick files to upload from photo library, voice memos, iCloud, Dropbox, Drive, other native apps and more.
Download Starchive directly from the Apple and Google Play stores.

Allow Members to Upload and Import
Need to capture an event in realtime? Having a virtual family reunion and working to get all of the pictures, video, stories, in one place to organize and share? Starchive is the fastest and easiest solution to set up.
Download the mobile app, take pictures of the same event and upload it to your shared Starchive.

Upload Directly via our API
Developers, looking to build your own app? Learn more about integrating Starchive into your app.

Have Terabytes or Petabytes to Upload?
Please contact us directly. While the Starchive uploader is quite fast, uploading a million Gigabytes through the browser isn’t the quickest way to get that many files into the cloud.